We received a client e-mail from one of our May 2016 wedding couples that read, “I’m not looking for a typical, traditional photographer, as our wedding venue is quite unique (it houses a working carousel that was built in 1916).” I immediately shrieked a pretty vibrant, “ALEX! EEEE!!! Oh my goodness. Come in here, and look at this e-mail!” Of course, I was more than excited about this carousel situation (I’m slightly in love with carousels!), but I have to admit I was even more pumped about the words “not looking for a typical, traditional photographer”. THIS IS SO TOTALLY US!
Thinking back on all of our work last season, we are so grateful for so many memories. Our first wedding of the season kicked off with this seaside, housed carousel (including gorgeous lighthouse, beachside rocks, and a well-lit reception space!). From the moment we arrived, we were not short of scenic landscape to choose from for any portrait photos. And the ceremony!! Ocean views for days! It was so fun to see “Cake By the Ocean” in real life!
Lighthouse Point Park, New Haven, CT
The weddings we worked last season were all so unique. From that seaside carousel in New Haven to a historic Rhode Island mansion in Portsmouth, and from a rooftop garden in Springfield to an oceanside resort on Martha’s Vineyard, we loved where our work took us: some of the most beautiful places we’ve experienced in New England. Our 2017 wedding season will bring us to Maine, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts!
Such a diversity of venues excites us (and challenges us!) as we are so fortunate to witness couples showcasing and celebrating their relationship in a creative way that at the end of the day says, “This is us.” We LOVE this part about our work with clients. You are unique, and we love telling the story of your most special day.
For us, this year is all about new beginnings. This blog, on our brand new website, is just the beginning of a fresh opportunity for us to tell our stories through words, as well as photographs. We can’t wait to start creating some new artwork for you, your family, and loved ones, because we just love love.